LEGO Power Functions Motor Set (8293)
This set is great for people getting started in GBC because it contains everything you would need to motorize a module. It's a shame it's going away (but it's to be expected with PF being phased out at the end of 2020). Hopefully it's replaced with something soon, Powered Up simple battery box anyone?

6×6 All Terrain Tow Truck (42070)
This set had an unusual color scheme and high price. The price was most likely due to the XL motor, IR remote/receiver, and Battery Box which was included.

WHACK! (42072) and BASH! (42073)
These smaller pull-back models have a fun play feature where they intentionally destruct when they hit something.

Racing Yacht (42074)
I'm not sure what you would ever use the plastic sails for. Has anyone used them in a Lego GBC module?

First Responder (42075)
I purchased one of these with the intention of creating a C-model GBC. I was unsuccessful so it was parted into my collection. Maico Arts on the other hand created an interesting tilting ramp module out of it, and instructions can be found here: http://greatballcontraption.nl/bi/42075-C-v1.4.pdf

Mack Anthem (42078)
This set looks like a great parts pack due to all the large panels included.

Heavy Duty Forklift (42079)
This is a 2018 set that didn't really get that much attention. It does have some wheels that I'm told are great for battle bots or perhaps a GBC dozer.

Forest Machine (42080)
This is the most recent set to include a working pneumatic pump and valves. It also comes with a PF-L motor and battery box.

Power Boat (42089)
A small set that contains mostly black and red pieces.

Tracked Loader (42094)
This 2019 set could be good for a small conveyor type module.
I'm very curious what types of Technic sets we will see in 2020. Will there be any more power functions sets? Will there be some more Control+ sets? 🤷♂️
I'm very curious what types of Technic sets we will see in 2020. Will there be any more power functions sets? Will there be some more Control+ sets? 🤷♂️